Asphalt Repair

DONE-RITE SEALCOATING is the asphalt contractor of choice for all asphalt structures, preserving and extending the life of asphalt parking lots and driveways.
The wide range of services we offer makes us a full service asphalt contractor and your one-stop shop for everything.
Take a look at the services we provide to learn more about how we can help maximize your asphalt investment.
Infrared Repair

Done-Rite Sealcoating, which serves the Northwest suburbs and Chicagoland area, is pleased to offer infrared asphalt repair and patching as another of its quality services.
Infrared asphalt patching is the latest technological breakthrough in asphalt maintenance. To our knowledge we are the only company in the Northwest suburbs that offers infrared asphalt repair.
Why Infrared?
The application of an asphalt recycling program is to repair potholes, sunken area, utility cuts and localized distorted surfaces in pavement as part of regular annual maintenance and or emergency repair. The program is intended for surface repair only of existing localized pavement problems not caused by inadequate pavement thickness, poor quality of material in adjacent areas and/or improper drainage of the pavement components.
Infrared patching is a cost-effective method of asphalt repair. It is faster than cutting out and replacing asphalt and also does not leave a seam around the perimeter of repair for water to seep into.
How’s it work?
A infrared repair warms the existing asphalt in and around the repair area to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit – the same temperature that new asphalt is when it comes from the plant. Then the softened asphalt can be reworked and mixed with hot liquid binder and fresh asphalt. Rolled and compacted. This results in a permanent and attractive repair that has recycled the existing asphalt.
Your final results:
- Permanent repair. Seamless welded edges. Bonds old and new asphalt joint free. No joints for water to seep under repair.
- Cost saving. Priced less than conventional methods. Eliminates labor cost of saw cutting, jack hammering, loading, and trucking. No holes left in parking lot waiting for mishaps.
- Recycling. Why waste perfectly good asphalt?
Pothole Repair

Let DONE-RITE professionals repair those potholes!
Why Fill Potholes Now?
- Pothole patching will eliminate the liability and the hazards to pedestrians & vehicles.
- Prevents those areas from sustaining more damage from traffic and snow plows.
Potholes can occur in a parking lot or asphalt driveway that has not been maintained well. Water penetrates the asphalt cracks causing further damage and deterioration to the pavement. Especially during the freeze and thaw cycles. This will create the base to become weak. Then add some car and truck traffic. This will cause a pot hole to develop.
When we fix pot holes, the surface is cleaned, we then apply hot or cold mix asphalt depending on the season. We then compact the area with a compactor plate and or hand tamps. This process of fixing the pot holes should last about a year and sometimes longer. It is not a permanent repair.
Remove & Replace

Why Remove and Replace?
Repairing broken or failed asphalt in large areas requires saw cutting of failed area and removing asphalt and replacing with new asphalt.
Asphalt is a cost effective surface, that why it is used on our roads and highways. As asphalt ages, it cracks and moves. Asphalt maintenance can slow the inevitable deterioration of parking lots, roads and driveways from wearing over time, but it will start crackings, potholes and or settling will occur. This is the naturally aging process of all asphalt pavement surfaces. Nothing last forever. The average life span for asphalt is about 20 years. Sometime more or less depending on weather and traffic.
Call Bartlett, IL asphalt patchwork and repair experts at Done-Rite Sealcoating Inc. We can fix any asphalt surface and return it to its original form and function. Our experienced professionals take pride in their ability to handle a wide range of asphalt patchwork and repair projects, including roads, parking lots, driveway repairs, sewer and catch basin repairs.
If you need asphalt repair work on your small business parking lot or a large townhome complex, our knowledgeable professionals can handle every detail of your asphalt repair project from start to finish, and they will complete your job on time.